About me...

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born in denver. bar coded. marked: woman, black, poor. yet, we are not born these things. we are taught to play roles. thus, reclaimed her subjective will. became an ambassador for team kweli. reflects her inner truth without apology. a vicious villain. rebellious in the name of: clarity, openness, and truth. a goddess. princess of swords. navigates with intuition. nourishes with pencil lead. writes her own myths. creator of her own universe. ruthless. she fights ignorance. shatters glass. rips through boxes. sets up fort on the dark side. wander of sorts. communicating with the alphabet. main frequency, first thoughts uncensored. writes on street corners and under bridges. partner in cosmic crimes, eleanor jr. uses her sword to create: fragments, shadows, frames. her mission: send ashes into the air, sprinkle basil into minds, surrender thyme on the page. she is the tk warrior.
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